Monday, February 23, 2009
Please Hold...
This blog has to be put on the back burner for a bit. I'm sorry to do this so early on in the challenges, but it will eventually pick up when life is a little less crazy for me.
I apologize and hope you will try back in a little while to check on the status.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Challenge #2: "The Thing"
"My primary motivation behind buying a car, despite the scarcity of my funds, was that I refused to be driven around town in a car with red and blue lights on top. Nothing slows down traffic like a cop." -Twilight, Chapter 1.
"There parked on the street in front of the house that never changed was my new, well new to me, truck. It was a faded red color with big rounded fenders and a bulbous cab. To my intense surprise, I loved it. I didn't know if it would run, but I could see myself in it. Plus, it was one of those solid iron affairs that never gets damaged." -Twilight, Chapter 1.
Let's see what your first car was. Maybe you still have it or maybe you haven't gotten one yet. You can scrap about how much you loved it or hated it. Do you remember the first time you had a flat tire? Or maybe you have a funny story about it. I want to see it!
Our guest designer is one cool chick, Mandy Starner.
My first car was a 1990 Toyota 4Runner that I purchased (well I put a down payment and my parents paid the rest...then I made monthly payments to them like they were a bank. ha!) in 1998. It was "impulse red" and had over 100,000 miles on it. Luckily the previous owner was a car buff and it was in immaculate condition. I drove the hell out of it and when it almost hit 300,000 miles, it was time to trade it in. It had seen a few accidents, but the thing was so well built that an easily fixable dent was the worst effect. I miss it. If gas wasn't ridiculous (remember, I live in Germany now and it's about $7 a gallon on the economy) I would really get another one.
You have 2 weeks! I have not gotten a RAK in place yet, but keep checking back. I'm bound to find someone.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sponsor for Challenge #1
And you know what is even MORE exciting?? Our first sponsor, ManHandled!

Emily Adams, with the help of her husband and cousin, customize amazing pin back buttons (or they can be magnets or even jewelry). Up for grabs is this 25 piece set inspired by the book Twilight! These are 1 inch metal campaign style button badges with pin backs. This set includes our original small Twilight set, Bella's Choice and 5 exclusive buttons.
Your submissions are due on Tuesday, February 3rd. The winner will be announced on the 4th, and a new challenge will be up on the 5th!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Challenge 1- The Cover
But if you step back and compare it to your own life and experiences, who is to say there isn't a little Twilight in all of us? At one point in time, our emotions overruled any sort of logical thinking. Somehow we can relate to the idea of the forbidden fruit. This blog is not meant to be a purely fanatical site dedicated to the characters or the book. Instead it is a dedication to how our own life, after close inspection, relates to the events, quotes, or ideology of the novels....even if it has a sort of "six degrees of separation" effect.
The first challenge is simple, a way to get you inspired for future prompts. Use the cover of Twilight for inspiration. It might be the colors, the image of the apple in hand, or the idea of forbidden fruit. With the right mind set, the possibilities are endless.
My first guest designer is someone I've been friends with via online for a number of years. Jenny Chesnick, aka Chez, is an amazing talent. Here is what her and I brought to the table:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
An Apple in Hand
My husband rarely complains about the headphones that have now become fused to my head, thank goodness for that. But despite knowing the books inside out, I'm still craving more. I'm not ready for it to be over. During my third round of the audio books, I found myself comparing my life to what Bella was experiencing. I started to think about my first car, where I went to highschool, and the first time I knew my husband was the one. The first time Josh told me he loved me and the way I felt, totally overcome with emotion, when my children were born.
And this is the catalyst of this blog.
What do you do when you have an apple in hand? Simply look at it and walk away? Take a bite, a mere sample? Or do you devour it, relish in it's flavor? I'm not quite ready to walk away. I hope you aren't either and will stay with me through this journey and exploration.
The first prompt is coming soon.